Course type

Certification Foundation

Course number



3 Days


To efficiently handle today's business-critical information, organizations need database systems that are reliable and scalable, as well as experienced professionals to manage them. In this training course, you gain the skills to unleash the power and flexibility of Oracle Database 12c, while gaining a solid foundation of database concepts, SQL, and PL/SQL, so you can develop robust databases.

What you'll learn

  •  Build robust and scalable Oracle Database 12c applications
  • Write efficient data manipulation statements using SQL Developer
  • Create databases, external tables, sequences, and synonyms
  • Ensure data integrity, establish security, and enhance performance
  • Improve cursor processing with FOR LOOPs and parameters

Who should attend



  • This course is currently running on Oracle 12c, on the Windows Server 2008, R2 platform


  • Relational database concepts
  • Applying data modeling techniques
  • Defining entities, attributes and relationships
  • Oracle database tools: SQL Developer and SQL*Plus

Analyzing the Oracle database architecture

  • Assessing memory structures, processes and files
  • Establishing a storage hierarchy

Maintaining Oracle database components

  • Reviewing the Oracle Database 12c installation
  • Generating DBA scripts with the data dictionary
  • Working with Oracle SQL Developer

Implementing queries with SQL Developer

  • Selecting, filtering and ordering results
  • Avoiding pitfalls in null values
  • Deploying built-in SQL functions
  • Comparing CASE and DECODE functions

Leveraging powerful SQL techniques

  • Joining table data using inner and outer ANSI joins
  • Grouping and aggregating data
  • Combining result sets with set operators
  • Performing simple and correlated subqueries

Manipulating data with SQL statements

  • Inserting, updating, deleting and merging data
  • Locking data and managing transactions

Translating logical models to physical design

  • Mapping entities and relationships to tables and keys
  • Creating users and schemas

Constructing and managing tables

  • Creating, altering and dropping tables and columns
  • Restoring data with Flashback and the recycle bin

Developing views and sequences

  • Creating views to implement security
  • Comparing identity columns with sequences

Maintaining integrity

  • Determining referential integrity with primary, unique and foreign keys
  • Implementing deferred and enforced constraints

Enforcing security

  • Authenticating users with password controls
  • Controlling access with system and object privileges
  • Simplifying object usage with synonyms
  • Improving privilege management with roles

Optimizing performance

  • Guidelines for defining appropriate indexes
  • Indexing the data for efficient retrieval
  • Managing unique, no unique and composite indexes

Programming with fundamental PL/SQL constructs

  • Declaring variables, constants and records
  • Establishing conditional control with IF and CASE
  • Controlling iterations with WHILE and FOR LOOPs
  • Creating exception handlers for predefined exceptions

Developing with cursors

  • Controlling implicit and explicit cursors
  • Increasing flexibility with cursor parameters
  • Simplifying cursors with FOR LOOPs
  • Improving update and delete performance with CURRENT OF or ROWID

Designing modular code

  • Developing procedures and functions
  • Debugging programs with DBMS_OUTPUT

Building packages and triggers

  • Advantages of bundling subprograms in packages
  • Creating compound-, statement- and row-level triggers
  • Controlling triggers with conditional predicates

Supporting web development with PL/SQL procedures

  • Returning data to web applications with REF cursors
  • Saving application data to the database


Location Dates Status
Cotonou May 01, 2018 - May 30, 2018
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Not available Register Now >>






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